
Friday, 15 June 2012




Awo Yaa Asantewaa writes:
A citizen of the FIHANKRA Stool and Skin is any person who is a descendant of an African born in the Diaspora as a direct result of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

How did FIHANKRA Develop?

On December 9, 1994, one of the most historically significant events of this millennium took place in Accra, Ghana, West Africa. The event was the inaugural purification of a specially carved wooden stool and the specially prepared skin of an animal. Together these two sacred articles were customarily given the name "FIHANKRA", which literally translated means "when leaving home good-byes could not be said".

In the traditions of Africa, both the Stool and Skin are sacred symbols of divine chieftaincy authority in which, it is believed resides the very spirit and soul of its people. Chiefs of Southern Ghana sit upon stools, while Chiefs of Northern Ghana sit upon skins. In their symbolic form the Stool and Skin can be compared to the traditional throne of other peoples and nations. Thus, in keeping with tradition, the Purification of FIHANKRA restores to Africans born in the Diaspora two sacred symbols as one, thereby reaffirming the cultural and spiritual ties that had been denied them for centuries.

The purification of FIHANKRA evolved from a coalition of persons under the leadership of his Majesty Odeneho Oduro Numapau II, then President of the Ghana National House of Chiefs.

The importance of this traditional purification ceremony lay in the following:

* It was the first time that African chiefs had gathered especially to perform traditional rituals to atone for the misdeeds of ancestral traditional rulers who helped to sustain the trans-Atlantic slave trade initiated by European powers in the 15th century.

* It was an act of restoring customary authority to the Africans of the Diaspora, presumed to have been lost as a result of the slave trade.
It also provided for the appointment of a Diaspora born custodian, and the subsequent establishment of a Traditional Council and an International Council of Elders to administer the affairs of FIHANKRA on behalf of the descendants of Diasporans.

We are Honored to Introduce to the Pan African Community,  the newly selected Queen of the Fihankra Tribe:

H.R.H. Yaa Asantewaa aka Tonya C. Saafir, Esq.
Her Highness, Yaa Asantewaa, was born in Clarksdale, Ms, but grew up traveling with her military parents.  After completing her high school education at Daleville, High School in Daleville, AL., she enlisted in the U.S. Army for three years following in the footsteps of both her parents.  She served in the Army as a computer programmer.  After serving her country for three years, Yaa Asantewaa enrolled in college at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN, where she completed her Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science with the honors of cum laude in May 2000.
She was accepted into law school at the Cecil C. Humphrey’s School of Law at the University of Memphis in Memphis, TN.  Yaa Asantewaa received a number of awards for her academic performance while attending law school and received her Juris Doctor in May 2003. 
Upon graduating from law school, Yaa Asantewaa took and passed the Tennessee state bar exam and was immediately employed by the Shelby County Public Defender’s Office as an Assistant Public Defender, where she practiced criminal defense law.  In August 2004, she went to work in a small private law firm at the Law Offices of Michael Harrell, Esq. where she handled a variety of criminal, family and civil law cases.  In 2005, Nana Yaa left the law office of Michael Harrell to open her own private law practice.  While in private practice, she taught law classes as an adjunct professor at Lemoyne Owen College in Memphis, Tennessee and she was regularly requested by Memphis City Judges to sit on the bench in their absence as a special judge.  Her Highness managed her own law practice until January 2008 at which time she was offered the position of Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice in the U.S. Virgin Islands where she remains today.
Her Highness is currently licensed by the Supreme Court of Tennessee to practice in the state of Tennessee.  She is licensed in the U.S. Federal Court to practice in the Federal District of Western Tennessee and she is licensed by the Supreme Court of the U.S. Virgin Islands.  Upon her repatriation to Ghana, she intends to take the Post Call course at Ghana School of Law so that she may sit for the Ghana Bar and obtain her license to practice law in the country of Ghana.
Yaa Asantewaa began to dream of repatriating to Africa in 2006.  She began her travels to Africa in 2011.  Since that first trip, it was solidified in her heart and mind that Africa was be her home.  She has a cocoa farm in Ghana, a taxi business and several other small ventures that she is working on to create sustainable income for her family upon her final trip home.
She is the mother is 5 children, Prince Octavius age 22, Prince Rashedi age 20, Prince Tyriq age 17, Princess Ayanna age 14 and Prince Ausar age 2. Awo Yaa Asantewaa is also the grandmother of 8 month old Princess Imani! 
Her Highness Yaa Asantewaa is a true Garveyite who tirelessly encourages Africans in the diaspora to always look towards Africa!!


* These are subject to revue, revision and approval. MK


  1. On behalf of the Fihankra Tribe, Sankofa Press invites and welcomes your comments and suggestions to make this blog better.

    1. I give thanks. I'm glad I found this. Thank you for the invite!


    2. We are honored by your prezence Bro. Kamal.

    3. Greetings Family, I saw the Sankofa Press Blog posted on Facebook. Thank you so much. Wishing our people many blessings.

      Your sister in the struggle.

    4. How do we get more information.I am African American.Wishing to relocate

  2. hope u guy have great vision about Africa, because those one living in so call heaven u don t see Africa as we are seeing our land we that are living in our mother land. the lucky of oboma great puppet, so hope that u are having great mission and vision, u can t fight far way from ground, the fighters are us we living on ground, we can t refuse working with u guys but u guys there u must real mission about Africa otherwise?????

  3. Pleaze offer your comprehenzive vizion and zcope of programz. Am waiting anxiously.

  4. I love this! InI will now refer to myself as " Fihankra" and help spread this message through out the diaspora!

  5. Hello Bro. Kabaila and all others. Many Thanks, Love and Blessing to the newly elected/selected Queen. Much love, blessings and support for those who wish to relocate or repatriate to any part of Africa.
    However my view of the Black American condition and people remain the same. We are not "Negroes, Coloureds NOR African-Americans". We are Native Black Americans/Native Black Indian Americans which are our primary ancestry. The EVIL Aryan Whites used Race and Religion upon our Ancestors to dehumanize them and us.
    However RACE and RELIGION DOES NOT tell a person and a group of people WHO they really are. Ancestry, Bloodlines and Ethnicity does that. Naot a skin complexion or a religion. While I admire the Pan-African and Pan-Asian people in our communities here I feel that the promblems related/associated among Africans and Asians themselves would not benefit us and we do not have time to WAIT on anyone else about our condition here. We have to act on our own as OUR OWN Tribal/Socio-Ethnic Group of People as a Indigenous American population.

    The rest of my response is located at :

  6. We all have important work to do. Some will stay, some will go. Some will go and stay, some will return and never go back. Some will want to spend the winter months in Afrika. Now we have some where to go (DNA) (if we so choose), where we will be welcomed home by many, just like every other large group of people on this unique planet. ASANTE SANA, ADUPE, ME DASI, AMMA SAY GANA, FOR OUR FIHANKRAN ANCESTORS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS WHO HAVE NEVER GIVEN UP ON THE DESIRE TO RETURN HOME TO OUR BELOVED MOTHERLAND! ASE'?

  7. This is a wonderful blog and I now have a tribal family (with a name) in which I belong. This has been long over due. Thank you and all the others who have made this possible. I'm looking forward to seeing future growth of this site! If you are a Black man or woman, you're an Afrikan! I am Fihankra!

  8. This was a wonderful story. It give life to one who prepares herself soundly for the Return Through An Open Door.

  9. It's time to organise yourselves and make the dream a reality... There are many like me on the ground, able and willing to support the course... Once Fihankra is turned into a model society, I am certain that it would be replicated all over the Africa. Make it happens brothers and sister...

  10. Greetings Family, Does anyone have this information?--

    (1) What's the status on the Fihankra Tribe registration? If there was ever a meeting about the registering of the Fihankra Tribe, who attended? What was the outcome?

    (2) There is an alleged Fihankra Tribe committee, when were they voted in?

    (3) Are there representatives for the DESCENDANTS OF AFRICANS WHO WERE ENSLAVED--for each area of the world (i.e. U.S., U.K., Canada, Central America, South America, the islands, Europe....)?

    (4) Have the names of the Fihankra Tribe committee members and the constitution published somewhere? Have the chieftaincy received a copy of this information?

    (5) Who will be addressing the issues confronting repatriates i.e. dual citizenship, "non-citizen" cards???, home and land rights, rental disputes...?

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    Wishing us much success.

  11. Is this media still up and running?
